Theodore Teddy Bear Schiele

Mastering Robert’s Rules of Order: A Guide for Nonprofit Board Members

What Are Robert’s Rules

Nonprofit board meetings are crucial spaces where ideas converge, decisions are made, and visions for change are translated into actionable strategies. Amidst the enthusiasm and passion, there is a necessity for structure and order to ensure that these meetings are productive and inclusive. This is where Robert’s Rules of Order come into play.

Discovering Purpose: The Journey of Theodore “Teddy Bear” Schiele

The Journey of Theodore "Teddy Bear" Schiele

We all have a purpose, and living without it is merely existing. My name, Theodore, meaning “gift of God” in Greek, might seem grand, but I’ve embraced my humble beginnings as “Teddy.” Growing up in a tough town like Ferriday, Louisiana, my friends jokingly tried to give me a tougher nickname, but “Teddy Bear” stuck.

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