Theodore Teddy Bear Schiele

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Turning Your Passion for Writing into a Profitable Enterprise

Growing up, I was always writing—jotting down my thoughts, ideas, and aspirations. It wasn’t a journal, not something as structured or detailed as that, but more like an 80s version of a vision board. My notebooks were filled with everything I was going through, books I aspired to write, movies I wanted to create, and achievements I dreamed of reaching. I would research topics that piqued my interest, craft poetry, draft movie scripts, and fill up a tablet in a matter of weeks. Yet, there was no structure or plan to turn these writings into more than just hobbies. They were my collected thoughts, stored away in the pages of those notebooks.

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Why Being the Smartest in the Room Holds You Back

Theodore Teddy Bear Schiele | Beyond the Comfort Zone: Why Being the Smartest in the Room Holds You Back

There’s a popular saying in leadership circles: “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” This simple phrase carries profound wisdom, particularly for those striving to build something greater than themselves, be it a business, a community, or a legacy. But what does it truly mean? And why does it matter?

Discovering Purpose: The Journey of Theodore “Teddy Bear” Schiele

Theodore Teddy Bear Schiele | Discovering Purpose: The Journey of Theodore "Teddy Bear" Schiele

We all have a purpose, and living without it is merely existing. My name, Theodore, meaning “gift of God” in Greek, might seem grand, but I’ve embraced my humble beginnings as “Teddy.” Growing up in a tough town like Ferriday, Louisiana, my friends jokingly tried to give me a tougher nickname, but “Teddy Bear” stuck.

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