Marketing for Leaders

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Action Guide

Client Needs Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to evaluate areas that you would like to improve.

_______ Financial Stress

_______ Values

_______ Strength

_______ Advancement

_______ Transition Career

_______ Satisfaction

_______ Toleration

_______ Self-Abuse

_______ Communication

_______ Identification

_______ Awareness

_______ Professionalism

_______ Creativity

_______ Legacy

_______ Generosity

_______ Management

_______ Boundaries

_______ Compassion

_______ Integrity

_______ Confidence

_______ Effort

_______ Selfishness

_______ Harmony

_______ Development

_______ Character

_______ Empathy

_______ Fear

_______ Simplification

_______ Flexibility

_______ Methodology

_______ Revenue Growth

_______ Value for Others

_______ Teamwork

_______ Negotiation

_______ Vision

_______ Innovation

_______ Evolution

_______ Relationships

_______ Sense of Purpose

_______ Salary

_______ Personal Life Plan

_______ Obstacles

_______ Spiritual

_______ Time Management

_______ Technical Skills

_______ Decision Making

_______ Structure

_______ Spouse

_______ Resolutions

_______ Organization

_______ Fulfillment

_______ Quality

_______ Reputation

_______ Culture

_______ Leadership

_______ Performance

In our next session, we will discuss these and prioritize those that are most important to you at this time.

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