Step 1: Evaluate
To be an effective coach, you must determine your clients’:
1) Situation
2) Willingness
3) Goals and priorities
4) Strengths
5) Needs
Hints: Keep a positive attitude. Recognize that your clients’ needs are not optional. Reinforce the idea that your clients’ needs can be met. Remember that it isn’t your personal problem.
Step 2: Communicate
To be an effective coach, you must be engaged by:
- Listening
- Prompting your clients to continue the conversation
- Validating your clients’ feelings
- Placing yourself in your clients’ position
- Enjoy the time you spend with your clients
Hints: Know when to keep your mouth closed. Listen and give your client space if they need it. Remember to accept your clients as they are.
Step 3: Inquire
To be an effective coach, you must ask the hard questions, such as:
- Why is this so important to you?
- What exactly do you want?
- What can I do to help you meet your needs?
- What types of questions are helpful?
- Are you able and willing to __________?
Hint: Express yourself in a neutral tone. Set high standards. Trust your inner monologue. Remember to keep your clients honest with themselves.
Step 4: Initiate
To be an effective coach, you must help your clients grow by:
- Sharing your hopes with them
- Promoting a strong message
- Being aware of their uniqueness
- Establishing boundaries and standards
- Making difficult requests (pushing your clients)
Hint: Expect much from your clients. Maintain “the edge”. Be a role-model for your clients. Always be constructive.